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Salt: From Ancient Trade to Modern Wellness

Imagine: no salt. No preserved foods, no ancient trade routes paved with salt blocks. From Roman soldiers’ pay to our modern kitchens, this humble mineral has silently shaped human civilisation.

This seemingly simple compound, sodium chloride, has a history richer than its flavour. Ancient civilisations valued salt for its preservative powers, making it crucial for feeding growing populations. Egyptians mummified with it, Romans paid soldiers with it – that’s where “salary” comes from.This ‘white gold’ fuelled trade, established monopolies, and even sparked revolutions, like the French ‘gabelle’ tax. Control of salt meant control of power. Beyond the practical, salt held spiritual significance, symbolising purity and strength in numerous cultures.

Salt’s historical significance is undeniable, but its story doesn’t end there. Today, salt’s role has evolved. Whilst no longer currency, it’s vital in many industries. But it’s in the realm of health and wellness that unprocessed salt shines. Unlike its highly refined counterpart, natural salts like Himalayan pink salt and sea salt retain beneficial minerals like potassium and magnesium. These minerals play crucial roles in maintaining fluid balance, nerve function, and muscle contractions. Unprocessed salt can be a simple way to boost your diet with essential nutrients, perhaps echoing the traditional association of salt with purity and strength.

From ancient trade to modern wellness, salt’s journey is remarkable. This unassuming mineral has shaped our world in profound ways, reminding us that even the simplest elements can carry the deepest meaning, influencing cultures, economies, and our health across millennia.